2x6 Decking

2x6 Decking

Available In

2x4 (8'-20')
2x6 (8'-20')
2x4 (8'-20')
2x6 (8'-20')
2x4-2x12 (8'-16') 2x4 (8'-16')
2x6 (8'-16')
2x4 (12' & 16' Only)
2x6 (12', 16', 20' Only)


#1 DSS #1 Prime DSS #1 Prime Clear


Minimal Minimal None None None


Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal None


Good Good Great Great Great


Good Great Great Great Best


When appearance becomes more of a factor. Smaller, fewer, sound, tight knots. Less wane than found in #2 Grade. DSS grade lumber. Tighter growth rings. Smaller, fewer, sound, tight knots. Stronger & stiffer. Ideal for decks, gazebos & outdoor furniture. Wane Free. Smaller, fewer, sound, tight knots. #1 grade knot structure. Four usable edges. Presorted for optimal appearance. Fewer and smaller knots. Tighter growth rings. Denser and stronger for added stability. Warm, rich, distinctive wood grain. Wane-free.
5/4 Decking

5/4 x 6 Decking

Available In

5/4×6 (8’ – 20’) 5/4×6 (8’ – 20’) 5/4×6 (8’ – 20’)
5/4×4 (8’ – 20’)
5/4×6 (8’ – 20’) 5/4×6 (8’ – 16’)


Standard Above Standard Premium Above Premium Clear


Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal None


Yes Yes Minimal Minimal Minimal


Average Average Good Great Best


Average Good Great Great Best


For the budget-minded consumer. Appearance is of moderate concern. Larger & more frequent knots. Virtually wane free. Grade is between Standard and Premium Grades. Perfect for the quality conscious, budget sensitive project. Contains far fewer and smaller knots than Standard Decking. Our most popular seller, with appearance being a top priority. This decking grade is a step up from Premium. Denser and stronger for added stability and will have a seldom pin knot. For the consumer that demands the very best in decking. Warm, rich wood grain. Denser and stronger for added stability. Wane free.
Prodigy - The Ultimate Deck Board

To make CULPEPER PRODIGY we start by using Culpeper Clear and add relief cuts that run the entire length of the underside of the board. This unique profile helps reduce cupping, warping and splitting making this Culpeper's Ultimate Deck Board. If you want real wood at a fraction of the cost of composite decking, choose Culpeper Prodigy - The Ultimate Deck Board.


Available in:
2×6   (12', 16', 20' only)

2×8   (12', 16', 20' only)

Other notes:
*Product can be made from other grades

*Can be treated for residential or marine applications

Available In: 2x4 (8'-20'), 2x6 (8'-20')
Grade: #1
Wane: Minimal
Knots: Minimal
Strength: Good
Appearance: Good
Notes: When appearance becomes more of a factor. Smaller, fewer, sound, tight knots. Less wane than found in #2 Grade.

Available In: 2x4 (8'-20'), 2x6 (8'-20')
Grade: DSS
Wane: None
Knots: Minimal
Strength: Good
Appearance: Great
Notes: DSS grade lumber. Tighter growth rings. Smaller, fewer, sound, tight, knots. Stronger & stiffer. Ideal for decks, gazebos & outdoor furniture.

Available In: 2x4-2x12 (8'-16')
Grade: #1 Prime
Wane: None
Knots: Minimal
Strength: Great
Appearance: Great
Notes: Wane Free. Smaller, fewer, sound, tight knots. #1 grade knot structure. Four usable edges.

Available In: 2x4 (8'-16'), 2x6 (8'-16')
Grade: DSS #1 Prime
Wane: None
Knots: Minimal
Strength: Great
Appearance: Great
Notes: Presorted for optimal appearance. Fewer and smaller knots. Tighter growth rings. Denser and stronger for added stability.

Available In: 2x4 (12' & 16' Only), 2x6 (12', 16', 20' Only)
Grade: Clear
Wane: None
Knots: None
Strength: Great
Appearance: Best
Notes: Warm, rich, distinctive wood grain. Virtually knot-free. Wane-free.


Each year, more than a million decks are built or upgraded in America. Homeowners are rediscovering the charm and practicality of outdoor living spaces. Beauty, added value and comfort are just a few reasons why decks and porches are so popular. These “outdoor rooms” extend the living space of the home for open-air entertainment and relaxation. With so many decking material options to choose from, it's hard to know what is the best decking option for you. To help put decking material prices into perspective, below is a list of comparative deck pricing for you.

Learn More About Wood Vs. Composites


As you can see, there is a wide range of pricing options for your decking. A few points you may wish to consider:

  • All the above decking prices are listed as square foot prices to help you compare decking material prices more easily.
  • When factoring all the costs in building a new deck, the decking boards themselves typically account for only about 25% of the total cost of a new deck.
  • The initial price of your decking is only one consideration when choosing a decking material.  How long will your decking boards last?  Southern Yellow Pine treated wood has been around for over 50 years with a proven performance record if maintained once a year.
  • After your deck is built, the decking boards will be the most visible part of your deck. Why not use a material that you can be proud of? There is no substitute for the look and feel of real wood. Wood decking provides a warm, natural look that blends beautifully with the landscape. Plastic or plastic composites, even with faux wood grain, still look and feel artificial.
  • All decking products require yearly maintenance, yes even the most expensive composites.  Why spend up to 5 times the cost on composites when you can enjoy an equally beautiful, all natural, affordable low cost product by using Southern Yellow Pine treated wood.

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