CULPEPER ADVANCE GUARD® BORATES are naturally occurring minerals that have proven effective in protecting wood products from termites, carpenter ants and fungal decay, including dry rot. Frame your entire house for the ultimate protection.
CULPEPER ADVANCE GUARD® Borate treated lumber is easily recognized by the industry standard blue tint. The addition of blue dye during the treatment process makes it easy for building inspectors to identify that the lumber is borate treated since without the blue dye CULPEPER ADVANCE GUARD® Borate treated lumber has the same coloration as non treated wood.
Treated with disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) and is a preservative that is EPA registered and meets the Standard #5 requirements of the American Wood Preservers Association. Culpeper Borate treated wood products are also backed by a lifetime limited warranty.
CULPEPER ADVANCE GUARD Borate treated wood products are used for:
- Sill plates
- Trusses
- Beams
- Blocking
- Joists
- Studs
- Rafters

Borate treated wood is perfect for interior application to protect against termites, carpenter ants and fungal decay. Frame your entire house for the ultimate protection.